Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Many Galaxies are There Anyways?

What would you do if they give you a one time check for the budget used just to explore for new galaxies?  Billions every year are used for space exploration.  They say it beneifts us, but it sounds more like some people are just getting the thrill of seeing these amazing creations of God before anybody else. 

So the answer to my title question:  Nobody knows!  Infact they are constantly finding new galaxies they never knew existed.  Wouldn't it be cool to visit an observatory and see trhough some high powered telespope and see other galaxies or just the planets in our own?

Well, there is something in the Bible that says that we will never fully understand as well.  Are you ready?  It is how much God loves you and me.  "and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge" Eph 3:19  In fact this verse is part of a prayer that Paul the Apostle prayed for the believers in Ephesians.  He prayed for a few things in this verse, but I am just going to focus on love. 

In verse 17 the Bible states "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love."    What a prayer. . . .to have a foundation based on our understanding of God's love for us.  The greater our understanding of His love for us the easier it will be to believe that He has good things in store for us and wants to use us.

Let me illustrate this the best I can.  As a parent I have a deep love for my boys.  They are constantly on my mind, and I will do all that I can to take care of them and make sure they have a good life.  You know what ~  Even thought I hug and kiss my boys and do good things for them, they will never fully understand how much I love them.  I never understood this until I had my first son.  If that is the case with my relationship with my children, how much more does God love us beyond our comprehension?

John 3:16 says, " For God SO loved the world."  He didn't just love the world He made appoint of emphasizing that He SO loved.  John, the apostle, had such a revelation of God's love, even while writing about himself he called himself "the Apostle whom Jesus Loved."  No wonder his books declare thing like "God is love, "faith works by love" etc. 

How about this verse, "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me"  Galations 2:20  How many of you have heard that verse quoted before.  What a great verse!  However, this is only half of it.  Paul also had a revelation of God's love.  Lets look at the whole verse.  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."   Now I get it. . . . The revelation to us here is that Jesus us loved me so much that He gave himself for me.  In return I will now give my life for Him. 

I don't want to write a book in this blog on love, but my prayer is that we get a greater revelation of how much God loves us.  He loves in spite of our imperfections and failures, He loves us because that is who He is.

Romans 8:37-39
"But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

An Assassination, A Smoking Gun and a Conspiracy Theory!

A couple of times when Angie and I lived in Texas we visited the spot where President John F Kennedy was assassinated.  Each time we were met by peddlers of books, magazines and newspapers.  All with photos of the event and stories of different conspiracy theories of who, how and why JFK was assassinated.  Each theory sounded plausible.  I mean was it a coincidence that the only suspect was, himself, assassinated shortly after being arrested?  Hear is my favorite, during our last presidential campaign, with a slip of the tongue, why did John McCain call JFK's assassination a "intervention?"  (Look the clip up on youtube)  Why in the days leading up to this tragedy were the Secret Service Agents repeatedly told to back off of their normal post surrounding the Presidents motorcade? 

No matter what your theory might be there is only ONE truth.  Everything else can look good in writing, sound great and even resemble the truth.  However, there is still only ONE truth.

As believer no matter what trials or circumstances life may bring we have to realize that there is only one truth.  We need to be able to boldly proclaim that either God's Word is wholly true or our circumstances are.  Both can't be true, if they don't line up.

I recently shared with a friend, whose family is going through the biggest trial of their life, a verse in Jonah.  Imagine being Jonah.   God has given you a command to go and prophesy over the Ninevites that they need to repent or perish.  However, (thank you Veggie Tales) the Ninevites are fish slappers. 

Out of fear Jonah jumps on a ship, hoping to run away from God and His command.  You  know the story:  A great storm arises, they cast lots and find out it's because of Jonah and they throw him overboard.  After he gets thrown overboard he is swallowed by a great fish.

In the belly of the fish, with certain doom looming, he declares "They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy."  Jonah 2:8  Is it possible that Jonah had such confidence in God and the command he was given that he was saying, "Those that observe there circumstance above the promise and command of God (i.e. about to die in the belly of the fish) forsake their own mercy?"  Well the outcome is clear. . . God used this experience to cause an entire nation of fish worshippers to repent.  What a story it must have been for Jonah to explain how God saved him from the belly of the great fish.

Well if that is not enough to convince you how about these:

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.  2 Cor 1:20 -- We say the "SO BE IT"

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 -  God does not change -  He is not good one day and bad the next.  He is always good. 

And finally. . . . this one could be a blog on it's own.  Abraham and Sarah, well past age to conceive children, believed god.  "That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, "I have made you the father of many nations." This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing."  Romans 4:17

All of us go through trials and tribulations.  The difference is going to be how we handle them.  Are they going to to overcome us or are we going to overcome them, by standing on the truth. . . . Which is God's Word.  Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Lessons of a Fat Man and Rangoons!

Ok. . . .So now that I have your attention.  What does a fat man and a rangoon have to teach us.  Well it all began at a Chinese restaurant.  Have you ever noticed that at most Chinese Restaurants there is big fat Buddha statue?  Believe it or not the superstition behind the idols of Buddhism have great effect on its followers.

As I was sitting there I began to think about Paul, the apostle, when he was in Athens.  Act 17:16 "Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry."  Imagine what emotions he experienced as he realized the people around him were very religious, but had been lied to and were serving false gods.  My guess is that his emotions ranged from anger all the way to sorrow.  How could so many people believe the same lie?  

Paul new what they needed and immediately began challenging them in their synagogues.  Act 17:17 "Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. "

As I sat in this restaurant I began thinking about Paul's response to their idolatry.  How would you have responded?  Would you tell them they were all serving a lie?  They were lost? Or even more extreme that their idolatry was condemning them to hell?  Maybe you would have taken the mercy road and just let them know that "Jesus loves them and has a plan for their life."

You know what Paul did. . . . . He took their own religion and from their own beliefs presented the Gospel to them.  Act 17:22 "Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious." Act 17:23 "For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. "

Wow!  What a response.  God gave him so much wisdom in this situation.  Rather than telling them they were wrong, he took them right were they were at and presented the Gospel to them.  To the unknown God.

We live in a time that there is a lot of skepticism about religion.  People are exchanging the glory of the incorruptible God and replacing it with idols of there own choosing (Rom 1:23).

What can we learn from Paul that will make us effective soul winners?

1.  Paul spoke up.   It doesn't do any good for us to see our friends and neighbors lost and hurting and not to say anything.

2.  Its about winning them not offending them.  I have watched a lot of well meaning Christians present Jesus in a way that would me want to walk away from them.  Remember, "It's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance." 

3.  God will give you wisdom to be effective.  Rely on the Holy Spirit.  Maybe a Word of Knowledge or a Word of Wisdom will be just what is needed to change a life, change a family, change a culture.

Thanks For Visiting!

Thanks For Visiting!

I started this blog so that I would have a place to encourage my friends. Why when I was younger (haha) we all used Myspace and Myspace had a blog feature. I miss that! I enjoy writing.

My prayer is that if you spend time reading any of these blogs that it will encourage you in your walk with God. We are all in this together.

Hebrews 10:25 (The Message) "So let's do it - full of belief, confident that we are presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching."

Thanks for taking time to visit! ~ Jeremy

The Beginning!

It has been quite a while since I have actually updated my status on Facebook. Well I thought I would do so by way of a mini-blog. (The one feature I miss from Myspace) As some of you know, about four years ago we founded a ministry called "kairos." ( I define Kairos as "a moment ~ defined not by seconds, but by impact." I am in one of those moments. I love it!

The Bible gives us very clear instructions on how we can have our own Kairos Moment.  Acts 3:19 says "Repent therefore and be converted so that times (Seasons, Kairos Moments) of refreshing can come from the presence of the Lord." 

Most of us have been taught that repentance is something done when a person renounces sin, but it is so much more!  The word repentance comes from a Greek word "metanoia."  This word is a compound word that, when together, means "to think differently after."  Yes it can be defined as a feeling of remorse, but there is more to it! Every time you hear the Word preached, study your Bible, or hear from God it has the potential to cause you to "to think differently after" and make an adjustment that lines you back up with God. My prayer for you is that you to would experience your own Kairos Moment - You'll know it when it happens! There is no doubt

Nov 22, 2008 A Hundred Years From Now

A Hundred Years From Now
~Warren Parker~

It will not make much difference, friend,
A hundred years from now,
If you live in a stately mansion
Or a floating river scow.
If the clothes you wear were tailor-made,
Or just pieced together somehow,
If you eat big steaks, or beans, and cake,
A hundred years from now.

Won't matter what your bank account,
Or the make of car you drive;
For the grave will claim all your riches and fame,
And the things for which you strive.
There's a deadline that we all must meet,
No one will show up late;
It wont matter then, all the places you've been;
Each one will keep that date.

We will only have in eternity,
What we gave away on earth.
When we go to the grave, we can only save
The things of eternal worth.
What matter, friend, the earthly gain
For which some men will bow;
For your destiny will be sealed, you see,
A hundred years from now.

A man's greatest care should be for that place where he lives longest; therefore eternity should be his scope.  ~  Thomas Manton

Nov 22, 2008 Pharaohs and Fathers

Pharaohs and Fathers

Many of us our looking for people in our lives that can be fatherly role models in our relationship with God. It doesn't take long to read about the relationship Paul had with Timothy to crave a relationship like this.

Not only do many crave this type of relationship, our goal as believers should be to grow into "spiritual" parenthood ~ A place where we pour our hearts and lives into others to bring them to maturity.

I recently read a book by David Ravenhill (The son of Leonard Ravenhill) called "Surviving the Anointing" and want to share with you the heart of a father.

When you read Paul's letters to Timothy in the Bible you see a man who wanted to be there for, encourage, and who believed in his son. He wasn't self seeking nor authoritarian in his approach. What a generation we will see if we can get a hold of this and become Paul's to the Timothy's in our lives.

"Hardly a month goes by that I don't receive a call or e-mail from someone wanting to be 'heard.' They are looking for a father, someone who will take the time to listen to them and give them some fatherly advice or encouragement. One young man came to see me recently and shared how he and his wife felt called to a major city on the East Coast. This young man had a very large youth group. He was so successful that other youth pastors came to him to learn all they could from him. When he approached his pastor and shared his burden, his pastor told him he would make the "call" as he was "the pastor." Needless to say, the pastor did not want to lose this gifted young couple and so chose to use the authority card to control them. He eventually released them but told them he would never have anything to do with them – from that moment on they were on their own.

How tragic I call that type of leader a Pharaoh not a father. I'm grateful to God that he allowed me to be raised by spiritual fathers – men who never wielded the authority card at me but who sought to influence me through example, persuasion, and prayer. One of my spiritual fathers would say to me if someone decided to leave the church, "I'm not sure they are making the right decision, but I want to bless them regardless; that way they will always feel welcome to come back if things don't work out."

I can hear some of you saying to yourself, "This guy doesn't believe in 'covering.' Yes I do, but I believe there is a vast difference between being a Pharaoh and a father. Here is the difference.

Pharaohs have slaves                           Fathers have sons

Pharaohs command                             Fathers counsel
Pharaohs dominate                              Fathers liberate
Pharaohs dictate                                  Fathers communicate
Pharaohs destroy and demean              Fathers discipline
Pharaohs remove                                 Fathers restore
Pharaohs restrain                                 Fathers release
Pharaohs manipulate                            Fathers motivate
Pharaohs emasculate                            Fathers propagate
Pharaohs whip                                     Fathers weep
Pharaohs want results                          Fathers want relationship
Pharaohs build great cities                    Fathers build great sons
Pharaohs are hardhearted                    Fathers are tenderhearted
Pharaohs fear success                          Fathers foster success
Pharaohs want servants                       Fathers are servants
Pharaohs prey on slaves                      Fathers pray for sons
Slaves die for pharaohs                        Fathers die for sons
Slaves work out of fear                        Sons work out of faith
Slaves work out of duty                       Sons work out of devotion
Slaves remain slaves                            Sons develop into fathers
Slaves loathe pharaohs                        Sons love fathers
Slaves are discouraged                        Sons are encouraged
Slaves receive reproof                         Sons receive approval
Slaves grow to hate and hurt                Sons grow to heal and help
Slaves have numbers                            Sons have names
Slaves celebrate a Pharaohs death        Sons commiserate father's death
Slaves escape                                       Sons return
Slaves sigh                                            Sons sing

Oct 12, 2008 Paradigm Shift

Oct 12, 2008

Paradigm Shift

In the past couple of years I have been preaching that God is bringing a "Paradigm Shift." A paradigm shift is defined as "a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change."

Angela and I have come to a few realizations during our time here in Texas. In every season you wonder what God is trying to accomplish. Sometimes we figure it out and are released to move on. Sometimes we go around and around the desert while God tries to get through our hard head!

I know many of you can relate ~~ There has been a great dissatisfaction in both of us with the state of the church. In fact to a degree frustration. We have good friends who feel this same frustration. Some of them have even come to the conclusion it is easier not to go to church at all then deal with constant frustration.

We know God wants to bring revival. We know that the head of the church wants the freedom to move in our services the way HE wants to and not the way it is programmed for Him to move. Whatever happened to desiring
spiritual gifts like I Corinthians told us to? Why do our churches become more and more "seeker sensitive" and less Holy Ghost sensitive? In many full-gospel churches the Holy Spirit is NEVER allowed to change the agenda of the service. Meanwhile the hunger in the people grows, eventually turns to pain and people become disillusioned and dissatisfied.

OK -- So here it is -- Why the constant frustration? Well, Angela and I have tried over and over again to just fit in. We have tried to just enjoy things as they are. The realization came ~~ Our frustration is with the fact that there is a GREAT GREAT pressure in the American church to fit in with Corporate driven American Church System. The problem with that is, the church modeled after Corporate America is not New Testament Christianity. Trying to make our churches comfortable so that everyone fits in, preaching messages without the cross, never allowing the Holy Spirit to move. . . . All in the name of not offending anybody so that our church will "grow." As if numbers mean church health. SIDE THOUGHT -- I wonder if Jesus would have been invited to church growth seminars after everybody but the 12 deserted Him?
Anyway. . . The result. . . According to the Barna research group. . . .America is the only country in the world that Christianity is not growing. In fact most church growth is nothing more than someone leaving one church and attending another.

I just read an article from the Assemblies of God weekly publication about why churches in other country are growing at explosive rates. In fact the A/G church has just reached 60 million people worldwide.

I found interesting the 5 main contributing factors. These are some of the very things I have been preaching need to happen in the Paradigm Shift God wants to bring, so that the church in America can truly reach our generation.

Here are the points. . . . The whole article can be read at

1. They emphasize and practice the priesthood of the believers
In America's Corporate Model. . . Many times the Pastor is the CEO and the congregations are the employees there to help them fulfill thier vision.

According to the article.
"In almost every overseas fellowship, you will find significant numbers of believers active in ministry and church development. Believers do the church planting and start outstations and cell groups. This results in a church that is active and ready to take full ownership of its future growth."

What would happen if churches emphasized the real meaning of Ephesians four and the ministry gifts focused on preparing God's people to do the work of the ministry? Then the ministry gifts would truly be fulfilling their commission, people would be empowered, and the church would grow.

2. They prioritize ministerial training
Again ministry training is nothing more than why Jesus gave gifts unto men.

According to the article.
"Ministry training needs to be a priority among U.S. churches if we want to continue growing as a fellowship". . . . "A minister's task is to "prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up" (Ephesians 4:12, NIV). He or she plays a vital role in equipping the body of Christ to grow in faith and evangelize the lost."
"Many of our schools overseas will not allow students to go on to their second year until they participate in church planting or some other type of church ministry."

3. They focus on growth rather than maintenance
According to the article
"Among U.S. churches, leadership can succumb to a maintenance mentality — finding ways to keep the system operating. In the process, we can develop an infrastructure that is expensive and, in some ways, hinders the church's primary purpose.

Among overseas fellowships, the vision of the leadership is focused much more on growth than on maintenance. Leaders have a vision for reaching the lost and for making the infrastructure serve the main purpose. The infrastructure is smaller, partly because of the lack of funding, but also because the focus is intent on reaching the lost. The perspective that men and women are lost if they don't have Christ compels church leaders to continue the growth process.

One African leader recently said it so well: "We have never forgotten how spiritually lost we were until Christ found us, and we have never forgotten how great a price He paid to redeem us."

We need to remember in America that no matter how large our churches become and how many churches we have, in most of our cities a significant majority of the people are still lost and headed for eternal judgment. He has placed our churches in communities to be life-saving stations. Our task is to enter into our Lord's work of bringing many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10)."

4. They depend on and expect the miraculous
According to the article.
"All of us believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. All of us believe in the miracles of the New Testament as well as the Old Testament. These beliefs are part of our faith and core values. However, depending on the miraculous is not practiced as often here as it is overseas. We don't preach it or expect it as much. How often do we preach about the supernatural and about signs and wonders? How often do we actually put our faith for the miraculous into practice?

We often have prayer for the sick at our altars, but we need more than that. We must go back to believing that miracles happen in our
day and in our churches — and not just during a time of revival or a youth camp. Miracles should happen continuously in the life of our churches. People should come with an expectancy that, when they enter our churches, they're entering the realm of the miraculous that can extend to everyday life.

Many people today have a rather cynical approach to the validity of miracles. When they hear stories about miracles happening elsewhere, they exhibit a kind of ho-hum attitude because they haven't seen them personally. Young pastors have even said to me, "John, we enjoy hearing the stories of the miraculous, but we don't see miracles. We have never experienced them firsthand."

It's time for U.S. churches to go back to an emphasis on the miraculous through the extraordinary activity of the Holy Spirit. We need to see the supernatural works of God in our congregations — as well as in our everyday lives."

5. They focus their resources on ministry rather than buildings
According to the article.
"Some might argue that in the U.S. culture we need to have adequate facilities in order to reach people in our communities. That point is well taken, but it may be one of the major differences as it relates to reaching the lost. While storefront buildings and basement churches may no longer be adequate for reaching people in the United States, I believe an undue emphasis is often placed on a church's physical facilities. Many millions of dollars can be spent building beautiful campuses, but there can come a point when so much of a church's resources are tied up with physical structures that little is left for other aspects of ministry.

Overseas, multimillion-dollar facilities aren't required to start another church or to develop outreaches in other areas of communities. In countries such as Burkina Faso, the Fellowship sends hundreds of missionaries to work among the nation's unreached people groups. Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world, but believers are willing to make the sacrifice. This story could be repeated many times over as churches with few resources grow and develop because they are so focused in purpose. Among U.S. churches, we need to honestly evaluate how much of our resources are really focused on reaching the lost.

Our Fellowship came into being as Pentecostal believers were gripped by a vision of lost souls living around the world and across the street. They believed in Christ's imminent return and were passionate about reaching as many people as possible. Everyone took part in the process, and no price was too high.

Christ's return is still imminent, and souls are still without Christ. Everyone's participation is still needed to complete the task. When we as a fellowship recapture that focus, we will see our churches grow and multiply. Are we willing to pay the price?"

If you are reading this, I have know doubt you feel it. Something is missing in the church today. Let's be "AGENTS OF CHANGE." Let's be willing to reevaluate everything. Let's find out what a New Testament Church looks like according to the B.I.B.L.E and lets fight for that pattern with our whole heart.

If you took the time to read this, I would like to end with a suggestion. I HIGHLY recommend the book, "Miracle Workers, Reformers and The New Mystics" by John Crowder. I don't know much about his ministry, but this book has stirred a hunger in Angela and I. It is a book of documented miracles and the people God has used throughout the last 2000 years. It is an encouraging book.

Jul 14, 2008 - Retrospection

Jul 14, 2008
Current mood:hungry

It has been a long time since I have posted a true BLOG. When I started out my Myspace journey I wrote a few blogs to encourage the people I grew up with.

I suppose in a way that is what I am doing again. However, this is different. In reality it is encouraging myself as well.

Tonight I was thinking about a friend that I used to spend a lot of time with. As many of you know I started preaching at the age of 16 at a small church in Shelby, MI. During this time I met a friend named Curtis.

Wow! What times we had. During the summer months I would go to Shelby and we would have church, hang out with some people and then after everybody else was in bed he and I would stay up and talk about what God wants to do in these last days. We would talk about revival, signs wonders and miracles. We would talk about God's people passionately pursuing him, knowing His voice and paying whatever price it meant to do his will.

Since that time LIFE has happened. To be able to stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning recounting the stories of past revivals and prophecies yet to be fulfilled seems like a luxury busy schedules don't allow.

You know what, I long for those days again. There is once again a renewed hunger in my heart to see the church and believers love the Lord their God with all of their mind, soul and strength.

Paul told the Corinthian church that he was concerned that they had left the simplicity of the Gospel. Something krept in and caused them to leave simple pure love for God. Today there are many things that can do that. . . Busyness, relationships, unwholesome entertainment, lack of devotional time, and a religious man-made view of who God is.

You know our enemy doesn't cause a believer to backslide overnight. In fact the Bible says that he "wears out the saints." Dan 7:25 He will work at you in whatever area you will allow him. He will work and work and work. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. . . The Bible tells after we have done everything we know to stand that we are to STAND.

It's time ~ Look at your life. Has he been wearing you out? If he has STAND. Run back to the secret place. Run back to quiet place where you and God have an intimate times of fellowship.

Back in the healing revivals an Evangelist was praying about the final outpouring of God's Spirit. God asked him a question and said, "When you look to the sky at night what is the first thing you see?" Jack responded, "I look for the big dipper." "What is the second thing you look for?" "The little dipper." God then revealed to him, "As is the little dipper, so was the first outpouring of My Spirit in the Book of Acts, as is the big dipper so will My final outpouring be."

Another pastor during the Charismatic renewal of the 70's talked about a day when a believer would be walking down the street and the presence of God would be so strong on them that their shadow would touch someone and that person would fall on their knees and ask "What must I do to be saved?"

This isn't a stretch ~ In the book of Acts people used to bring the sick so that Peter's shadow would touch them. As many as did were healed.

What other things does God have in store? Did you know that Is 8:18 the Bible says that God's children are for Signs and Wonders on the Earth? Or that Daniel procalimed that those that know there God shall be strong and do great exploits? Paul made it clear in Rom 15 that you are not fully preaching the gospel unless Signs are following. Paul again told the Corinthian church that he didn't come to them with the enticing words of mans wisdom, but the demonstration of the Spirit and of Power so that their faith would not be in the wisdom of man but the power of God. In I Cor 4:20 He said the Kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.

Then to top it off Jesus, in Mark 16, gave us a whole list of signs that will follow believers. Oh what great things God has in store for us if we will just obey the first commandment!!!!!

My prayer for you and me is that we can say daily, "My life is not my own it's yours, Lord." The apostle Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ therefore I no longer live, but Jesus Christ now lives in me." I have prayed since I was a child Pauls words to the Phil. church. "Lord I want to know you and the power of your resurrection, the fellowship of your sufferings that I might be conformed to the image of your death so that by an means I might attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Finally, Romans tells us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your REASONABLE service of worship.

I know this wordy. I just want see a generation that falls in love with Him again. We need revival in this nation. America is the only nation in the world that Christianity is not growing. The reality is ~ Our lukewarmness and man made religion is to blame.

March 22, 2007 ---- PLEASE READ!!!!

I am writing this to all of my friends. Primarily those I grew up with!

I promise I will not be this "preachy" in all of my posts, but please take the time to read this.

Angela and I just got back from spending the last four nights at a conference in Adrian.

One of the speakers from Texarkana has been greatly used by God in our lives over the past two years, both through the word preached and the gifts of the Spirit. I don't want to go into detail about everything that he said but I do want to highlight a few things from tonights service.

He preached a message tonight about the parable of the sower. I have never heard it preached the way it was tonight and never have I felt that it was more acurately preached.

In Mark 4:13 Jesus begin explaining the parable of the sower with these words "Do you not understand this parable? Then how will you understand all parables?"
This is why I want you to read this. . . Jesus put enough emphasis on this one parable that He said if you don't understand this parable then you will not be able to under the other parables." It's important that we get this. Kenneth Copeland calls this the "granddaddy of all parables."

He goes on to explain the different grounds.

Here's my point. . . Each one of us has grown up hearing the Word preached. Each one of us individually have to make the choice of what kind of ground we will be.

Isn't it interesting the five things that hinder the Word growing in our lives. . . Lack of understanding, hard times, cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things. . . Are things that EVERYONE of us have experienced. We have all lacked understanding in areas of our life, we have all gone through hard times (some of them extreme), we all have pressures of everyday life, we all are tempted to PURSUE being rich, and to desire things that distract us from our walk with God. Therefore we all have opportunites to be the wrong kind of soil.

I am writing this asking that each one of us would inventory our lives. Are we living up to the potential that you know God desires us to? If we are not then lets make the changes necessary to be good soil that bears fruit.

Two final thoughts - Normally I would put this at the end, but I want you to read it. It breaks my heart when I think about all the people I know that have gotten sidetracked from their relationship with God. Jesus said, "WHAT HAS A MAN GAINED if he gains the whole world but loses his soul."

My final thought: In Mark 4 Jesus continues to explain the parable of the sower by saying this, "is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not be set on a lampstand?" Jesus was talking about the Word that has been revealed to you (Remember the sower sows the WORD)? The Word was not sown into your life for you to hide what you have heard and learned. Instead just as a lamp is placed somewhere so that it will give light to all those in the room, the Word of God that has been sown in your soil was given to you so that it can bring light into every area of your life. Let's not hide it any longer!!